Wednesday, November 17, 2010


She's no regular girl. She's not like any girl. Why do I say this? I say this because she's the only girl I am attracted to. I'm attracted to her with passion. I'm attracted to her with full emotions. I'm attracted to her because she loves me. When you have a person and can say you would want to spend the rest of your life with, would you really? Would you be able to take his or her nagging? Would you be able to take the little things that would annoy him or her? Would him or her annoy you, or would you annoy them? If you are able to truly say yes to this, then I applaud you. The girl I'm with, she turned my life around. She picked me up when I was down. Before her, there were things I still have done that would be an eyesore to others. Being with her keeps me away from the bad. Being with her, to put it simply, makes me happy. All my life, I prayed for someone like you, and I think I finally found you. You're my one and only. You're the only I want to share the rest of my life with.

I am not thinking to far ahead in my future. Some say thinking that far ahead would make your relationship bad. The question I say back to them is, how? How can thinking of the future be bad? Matter of act, it should be good for you. Helps you find a road to stay on in your life.

I really love you. Everyday. Every minute of the day, all I can think about is you. I hope I am with you forever. I hope our love will last until we find out if it is true. I want it to be true. You know, when I think about you; do you know what I'm thinking? First I think of your face and how it is flawless through my eyes. When I see your eyes, I see that you are looking at the person you would never want to lose, which also keeps me happy. You don't want what you have to be gone because it's something you have longed for for a long time. When I see your lips, I see and feel the attraction. The attraction of my lips being lured to yours. And when our lips meet, our eyes close; and when our eyes close, our lips are filled. When you smile....girl...that's something I want to see for a long time. When that smile makes a wrong U-turn, and frowns....I will try my HARDEST for your smile to go back on the right direction. Your smile is what tells me, " I love you. I smile because I want you to know that I am happy with you. You make me happy, so I will always be with you". For you to stay with me, I will keep that smile. There are times we fight and sadness becomes the scenery, it's fine. We come back into a hug. With that hug, I cherish it for as long as I can until the next.

With these feelings that I contemplate, I feel that it is true. You and I are true. Our love is true. True is us....being together. True is that....I really love you...


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For Mr. LB from Mrs. LB
