In my class, I had this topic to write about. I just thought I'd share. This writing really means a lot to me...
Other than your actual friends, who are the ones who gave you an aspiring influence in your life? Upon writing this, I would like for you to let the people you wrote about to read this as well. You will be graded on your creativity (be truthful), the emotional impact on the reader, and your presentation in your writing. This is not in essay format. Be formal, but you may deviate as much as needed.
My Parents -
As much as humanly possible, they are the ones who put up with me. There are outcomes that I will find in the society in which I will probably deteriorate in the mists of eying it. I have friends, yes, but I've learned through experience that love cannot be found unconditionally unless it is from my parents. If I'm ever in trouble or in need of help, I can contact my friends but will I know for sure that they will come? No. The youth and, of course, teenagers will always come to his or parents last when there is no other person to run to. In the end, when we call for our parents, they will always drop everything they're doing; Even if it were to jeopardize their job, or set them back on a goal they were trying to achieve - they will come for us. It is not their obligation. It is not their duty. It is not their responsibility. It is simply because they love us. Everything that they do and it "pisses" me off? I find little pet peeves time and time again that I don't like about them? Their "annoyance" is what I love about them. I know for a fact that if all those annoyances were to be depleted, I would only want them to be restored. They annoy me to drive safer. They annoy me to always care for people. They annoy me to always be responsible. They annoy me to kiss them on the cheek no matter how old I am. There is no way to stop the annoyance, but I can reduce them by doing what? By doing those nagging voices. Those voices are only nagged because they worry for me.
My dad is 75 and my mom isn't far behind. I have seen all the characteristics of the elderly and now my parents have taken part of them. I have to now repeat myself, talk louder, and even walk you down the steps. I can't help but feel that someday they will be gone and will not see me enter the real world. I am trying my best so that when they do finally go, they both will go with smiles across their faces - no regrets. My parents raised me right, and I will now continue to raise myself the same as I come into the real world.
My Godparents -
Simply put, my Godparents are amazing. If I were able to advertise them in a way people would just come up and treat them like celebrities, I would. My Godfather can do anything. He is one of my role models that I would never mind becoming. From cooking, fixing cars, construction to being able to play sports well, and thinking logically in a well-mannered way - I idolize him.
One of my most favorite memories I will never forget was when him and I were at a youth camp. It was called Camp "Ephata - 'Be Opened'." I was assigned to write and read a speech for all the adults at the end of camp. My Godfather was the one I turned to when I needed help writing, after all it had to be in my language - Vietnamese. After him and I finished writing it, I practice reading it aloud. Kept making him listen to me read it over and over again, i finally got it down wanting to make an emotional impact on everyone. Every parent that came to see their children cried when I read it. Every parent but mine. My parents were the only ones who didn't come. I felt like a little boy who was in a play, and every single time I looked in the audience, my parents never showed. At that moment, my only parent would be my Godfather.
My Godmother: all I can say is "wow." She is such a beautiful woman and she knows so much. I don't really talk to her as much but whenever I hug and kiss her, it just feels right. I wish I could be one of the people she could care for as if I were real son.
I don't know if my Godparents know, but I love the so much. They mean a lot to me and I'm so thankful I can call them my parents. I've put them through some stuff but I'm better now. They were the ones who helped me along the way and it means everything to me.
God Uncle and God Aunt -
I'm not really sure how I am to them anymore, but they too impacted my life so much. In the past, I would always run to them whenever I had problems. I could talk to them as if they were one of my peers with no discomfort. We're a little distant now but hopefully things will be back to normal.
My God Uncle is probably one of the best musicians I could ever possibly meet and have in my life ever. Indirectly, he taught me quite much. To be specific, he is a "chill" person. He never wants to be a part of drama nor does he ever start drama. He definitely goes by the quote, " If you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all." Just being around him taught me to be calm and to never be ill-tempered or violent when negative things come my way. After all, since when did fighting ever solve anyone's problems?
My God Aunt? Well, she's one of those best eye-to-eye-advice-givers to talk to. I've never told anyone...matter of fact, I've never told any peer or any adult about some of my situations that arise in my life. Like my God Uncle, she taught me how to self-evaluate myself to become a better person - lose my anger, lose any hatred, and lose any grudges I have. One thing that no one has ever taught me how to do, she did. She taught me how to apologize. I've never been able to have any nerve to accept my responsibilities to say sorry to anyone until I met her. Saying sorry means to have relieved pressure. Saying sorry means to keep my friends. Saying sorry means to never lose anyone I care about.
With that, I'm sorry for all the things I've done to make my parents, my Godparents, and my God Uncle and Aunt to be heavyhearted of me. I'm sorry for the times I put the lessons learned aside to do wrong. I am sorry.
At times I wish I was at least ten years older because you guys have given so much to me and I want to somehow give back - take you guys out, show you my successes and let you know that you never taught me wrong.
- Ba
- Me
- Bo Hoa
- Vu Ha
- Chu Kha
- Co Thao
OMG! that's really sweet and sincere! You should get a 10/10, and let all of them read it!
Haha. Thanks. I'm not really sure how to let them all read it. I made a note on facebook and tagged my god aunt. I'm just going to assume that she's going to show them it. idk. It's kind of awkward.
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