Thursday, January 13, 2011


You know what aggravates me? When a person just cannot notice that another isn't getting the respect he/she deserves. For example, if Josh always gave Mickey space when she needed it and helped her whenever she could not help herself, Mickey should at least do SOMETHING for him. It doesn't have to be anything big, but show him that she respects him and does not take advantage of him. I just can't stand it when someone isn't considerate of others. For me, it makes me feel neglected, used, hurt, and I just end up having self-pity upon myself. My ideas. My thoughts. My opinions. Those are what I use everyday of my life to learn from. They are not to be harshly criticized in an uncalled manner. It is just down right disrespect. You know that quote, " Treat others the way you want to be treated"? It applies to E V E R Y O N E.

Sometimes people just can't figure it out that their friend is hurt from them, I understand that, but after a while, you should have SOME kind of common sense to have a "feeling" that your friend isn't feeling okay. People can try to hide things very well, but if you're friends with the person for so should at least understand what their normal state in behavior is and depict any TINY changes in it to know that they aren't themselves. The friend should tell you, you ask? Well, there are some things people tend to not say. Yes, being as open as can be to your very very very close friend and also your partner is a great thing to do and we should work on it if we aren't. There are times though, that you just have to figure out your friend because even if they tell you, it could probably be long after it actually happened.

Respect is something everyone deserves even if you disagree with it. The ones who do not give that respect to others, I hope someday you will understand that and soon.


Unknown said...

I'll follow if you follow me :) :L btw <3 it

Mr. LameButt said...

haha Sure xD

TehViray said...

Totally agree I just hate that feeling of being used sometimes. Like you do a lot for a person and it's a bit discouraging when they don't do anything for you and you can't really call them out on it.

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For Mr. LB from Mrs. LB
