Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Michael Phelps and the US Swim Team

Do you guys know Gabriel Viray? Well he is a great blogger and you guys should heck him out. Here's the Link. On one of his posts he has a video up with the four man freestyle relay.

I finally came around to talk about it but man....one of the best swim races I've ever seen. Not only did the US win, about 4 of the teams broke the world swim record by at least 4 seconds!

You guys really have to watch it. I saw it so many times and still at it. If you don't like swimming, you will like this video. I was in suspense for so long when watching the video. It's greatness....

Did you guys have your hair stand on end? If you didn't then you just suck!!! haha

Great video xP


kitkat said...

wow yea it was an intense race for sure!

Mr. LameButt said...

I know! I love it xD

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For Mr. LB from Mrs. LB
