Tuesday, April 19, 2011

RE: to Mrs. LB's post

So, Mrs. LB apparently is in love with this one dude's singing voice. She told me about it a long time ago and I listened to it. Boy oh boy are girls weird.....Honestly, as a singer, he isn't all that great lols.

The only reason girls like his music/covers is because of his voice. He has one of those swooner voices who sound nice which makes every girl like his singing haha. This is what Mrs. LB wrote about the guy:

Now, first ii want to tell you all of my lately obsession over a certain YouTube singer^^ Most of you probably don't know about him cause he's not that well-known. But he is sooooo good ii just HAD to tell you all!!

For starters, his name is "Alex Thao". Here's his youtube link if you're curious^.- Well, ii don't know what else to say other than that his voice is AMAZINGXD ii mean honestly, ii didn't even expect for that voice to come out of him!!Me&&Gracii both think that he has that sort of voice that just makes you melt(:...corny huhlolbut really he does. ii always seem to get butterflies every time ii hear him sing..especially his cover of "Statue", which ii will place at the bottom for you all(:..&&another one of his covers = "What Are Words"

And here's the two videos she posted up:

I'm guessing you guys like his voice and and singing, huh? You know what this reminds me of? His singing and the way girls react to him reminds me of a Looney Tune's Cartoon. I'll put up the video and this is EXACTLY how it seems like Mrs. LB and other girls respond to this type of singing.....lols


Do you guys agree with me? lols. I'm not hating on anyone but I'm just stating the facts haha
Girls fall for the voice instead of the skill level. Some people sing VERY well but because they don't have a nice voice, they aren't really credited. (I'm referring to me as well lols Still not hating! xP)

Girls are so lame haha

P.S. - I wish I had his voice. If I did....man.....I would TOTALLY be in the big leagues haha

P.P.S. - I call this the Johnny Bravo Swooner voice haha (But used better than he does. Johnny Bravo sucks at getting girls lols)


tara simone said...

I thought you were going to post a vid of stillnotdavid. I'm in love with his face but his voice is just "ugh". The way the guy looks helps too. PS. I love that cartoon lol

Mr. LameButt said...

Idk who he is but I love the cartoon too lols

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For Mr. LB from Mrs. LB
