There's one question at hand when dealing with a lot of things in life. And in life, sometimes there is hurting, tear shedding, happiness, anger-feelings we have to cope with day by day. Every hour, every minute, every second of the day one can only look forward to seeing the ones we love, the ones we care for. Everyday I would see people post things up saying that they keep getting hurt. They're done with boys. They're done with girls. People, in life, can only do but hurt one another. How can you prevent the hruting and sorrow if you keep on believing this? There's a saying, " What you look for, you will find". So if you always search for the sadness and negativity in people, you WILL find it. You will not like it, but who's fault is that, really? Is it actually the other person's fault if they said something bad to you? Or is it not ourselves for believing it? At times, I would only want to get away from this world and find a better place. There is no better place. You can go far away to contemplate and compose yourself in thoughts, but you cannot and will not find places to be away and be happy forever.
So what am I trying to say? You cannot only be happy if you find it in yourself to take what others say, what others do and ask yourself,
" Is this really me? If not, I do not need to fix myself. And if it is, is it something that I have to change? Or is it people just trying to put me down?"
The only true way to find true happiness is if you find love. Love is all around you. You just need pull it toward and grasp it. Feel it. Only then will you feel the real warmth in the heart like a fairy tale.
In our lives, we were created to do what? To find love. Everywhere you go, everyone wants love. Everyone doesn't want hatred, do they? Prove me wrong, and I will praise you. When two people get together, they are happier than before. When tose two break up, they are filled with more sorrow than anything before. If someone wants that sorrow, then they are not human. Any characteristics that that person has to a human being, would be just pure coincidence. Think about it. What kind of songs played and written are usually about? Love. The number one seller. The number one emotion.
With love, though, follows sadness. Even with those love songs, there would always be the songs about hurt and pain afterwards. From happiness like "My Boo" by Usher all the way to hurting, " Let It Burn" by Usher. The love could be welded back together, but the feelings might not be the same as before. It could either be more of a passion, or it could be just hard to look at. You could break down and cry, or you could be glad and think the person is the one. You could think nothing is better than you and the other half.
That's the thing about life. You yearn for love. You search for it. You find it. Then.... you could.... just lose it. It'll hurt, but believe that everything will be fine. Believe that that love will come back. It will be difficult. It will be harder than anything in the world overcome, but you eventually will.
Now if you never lost it, or most likely you won't ever, then you should be happy. There will be rough times, there could be jealousy, there could be very emotional times, even on the rig of seperation. Don't worry about it. You will cope. And when you do, you will come to realization that your other half is really...well, your other half. Your lover, the one you will forever cherish and love til the clock reaches 00:00. Every moment of each adn everyday, your other half will always come to mind. Cherish it. Hold it. Then spread your love with everyone in your life. Muahs xD