Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Something Cool

You know what I find pretty cool and sweet?

Ever think about the word FAMILY?

Have you ever given a lot of thought about the word?
F - Father
A - and
M - Mother
I - I
L - Love
Y - You

I remember this from Church. This was what he preached about. Just a quick thing to tel you guys xD

So when someone asks you what does family mean to you, you say it means, " Father and Mother, I love you. "


Suwan:) said...

As much as I love my parents they are seperated now and have no intentions of getting back together:/.

Mr. LameButt said...

Awwwies. I'm sorries. Whether they are separated though, you love them and they love you. xD

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For Mr. LB from Mrs. LB
