Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Your Protector

I want to be the one who you come to for care and comfort. I want to be the one who will always be the first to run into your head when you're in need. Your mom. Your dad. Your brother. Your sister. No. I want to be the person you will call right away when you need somebody the most.

If you fall and can't get up, I want you to call for me. I will be there faster than anything you have ever seen. You know how a mother turns into supermom when her child is in distress? I want to be the superhero who saves the day - your day. I want to be the one who hears your voice even when I'm miles and miles away. I will be right beside your side in a blink of an eye. Your family comes first. Selfish, but I want to be the one who comes first in the time of need. Call my name and I will fly to you. I will heal you. I will carry you off into the sunset. Like in every girl's dream, I will make the happily ever after ending come true for you.

If you're sad, even if it's my fault, I want to be the one who will cheer you up. I want to be like you and say sorry even if it's not necessary. Your heart is what I want to keep whole. I don't want it in pieces. I don't want it broken or cracked. I want it beating just how my heart can never beat so fast when I'm with you. You make me happy and I want to go above and beyond for you.

Like a daddy's girl or boy:

"My daddy is the strongest dad in the world! He said he beat up the boogey man. He even scared the monster from my closet! He got sooo scared I think he's living in YOUR closet now!"

I want to be the one you think is the strongest in the world. I want you to see me as the one who scares all your fears in life away. If you're ever deeply hurt, I would be as hurt as you. At the same time though, I want to take that pain, turn it into dust, and let it go into the air to fly away and never come back.

I always pray that your day goes fine and that nothing will make it bad, nothing you can't handle. God says he will protect and keep every person in the universe safe. But with you, I feel that he told me to watch out for you. I feel that it's my responsibility now, but guess what? I'm honored that I am watching out for you. God told me to look after one of his angels. The most beautiful and the most majestic angel ever created was you. Me being able to love an angel, and he loving me back? I am not only lucky that I get to caress such a sight, I get to appreciate the girl she is. In the crowd, you stand out. You glow brighter than any other person, as if you have a halo over your head to show that you're God's angel. So pure, so loving, and so caring.

I'm soaked in your love and I enjoy every minute of it. But in order to do that, I have to keep you safe. I want you smiling louder than anyone in the world. I want the whole world to know that nothing in it can harm you. I will be around to make sure of it. I'm the one who will be the fastest of them all. The strongest of them all. The most quick thinking of them all. I want to be your monster scaring superhero -- Your Protector.


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For Mr. LB from Mrs. LB
