Monday, January 31, 2011

An Okay Day

My day today was alright, I guess. I just finished reading the assigned reading to prepare for my test on Wednesday. I have a Psychology test on Thursday too but I think that test will be easier for me.

My day was almost like the usual. Mrs. LameButt woke me up for class. I woke up all hazed like always when I first wake up. I wash up and get dressed for class.

You know what sucks though? Having class when it's pouring out there.... When I came outside for my first class, everything was fine and dandy. When class ended, I went to my second class. As soon as I stepped outside, my hair was literally soaking wet.....I don't like holding umbrellas, so I always get wet.

After my two classes, I go to my last one with nothing but hatred....I have a seminar with a professor that has a monotone Dr. Phil voice. You know how boring it is?? All he DOES is talk and talk and talk - nothing but LECTURE! It's a pass or fail class, so all everyone has to do is participate to get an easy A. Guess what though? It's not easy to participate when the professor has no pause in between his words. You know how when you wait for the right time to raise your hand or speak to be polite? He takes NO breath. None. Nada. He doesn't even have eye contact on anyone. He stares at the white wall behind me and that was it....

After classes ended, the sense of freedom hit me in the face xD. I went to eat and walked back home to my toasty and dry dorm. I ended up reading and doing my homework. I still have lots more but I'm being productive xP.

So far, the only excitement I've had so far was going to my friend's dorm. She has this big collection of scarves so I had an idea. You know how a pig looks like when it is tied? Laid down on its back with all fours tied together? Well I did that to my friend with her scarves lols.

I guess that was my day xD. I gotta attempt to be productive again haha. Laters!


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For Mr. LB from Mrs. LB
