Sunday, December 26, 2010

Fortune Tellers

 I was randomly thinking. You know those fortune tellers?

I think they're stupid. I mean c'mon!!!!!
They say the most generalized stuff and WHOOP-DEE-DOO, people believe them like they're gods.

I can be one too if I wanted to.

All I would have to do is say stuff like, " I'm looking in my magic glass ball...I....I....I see something.....".
Then the person would repeat what over and over and over.

" You lost something most dear to you in the past...."

lols. I think everyone has lost something most dear in the past. I know I have. You see how general I'm becoming? suckers....xP

The guy would gasp from shock and be so amaze. I'd just say that he would soon find it in the near future. He'd be all happy and whatnot and give me money thinking I have great magical powers.

So gullible...xP!! haha


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For Mr. LB from Mrs. LB
